quinta-feira, 20 de maio de 2010

European Education Congress 2010 in Bochum, German

From May 25th to May 30th, the European Education Congress 2010 will take place in Bochum, Germany. This international congress will critically engage with the status quo and current developments of the education system in Europe, both on a participatory political and an analytic theoretical level.

If you want to come, your travel expenses can be reimbursed up to a certain amount. However, this is only possibleif you sign up before Sunday, 16th of May. Later sign ups can, of course, still come to the congress, but will unfortunately not be eligible for travel reimbursements.

We hope seeing you in Bochum soon.


1 comentário:

  1. Estava buscando informações para o meu trabalho e eis que encontro um blog dos floresteiros da UTAD!!! Fantástico!!! Saudades de todos e me enviem notícias assim como algumas castanhas lá por novembro. Abração, Rafael Schmitz.
